When I first read Heather's entry, my thought was, "Jen is MY friend...where did all these other friends come from?!? Well, I obviously know that she has many friends who love her just as much as I do. But the sad reality is that I wish I had the opportunity to live near Jen again, be a part of her everyday life and have her kids call me 'Auntie Cammy'. I must say, since I have yet to meet her twins, I thought they might be a figment of my imagination...but YES, the do exist thanks to pictures Mike posted on this blog, and they are as cute as ever Jen!
As for Jen and I, our friendship began when Jen was my faithful visiting teacher at the Y. I knew we'd be friends when she shared Lisbeth Zwergers' Gift of the Magi with me--already one of my favorites. We would later become roommates post study-abroads and missions. I really don't think anyone had as much fun doing "nothing" like how we did at BYU. But for Jen and I, our friendship was really sealed when we both moved to the Big Apple. I was kinda a newly wed and Jen was hanging out with us at my in-laws while we both tried to find apartments. Marc and I eventually found a place, the cheapest we could find, for about $850 a month. It was a steal. For reasons I cannot remember Jen for some reason became our driver (no big surprise now) and drove us in our U-Haul to the city to move into our apartment. At the time I was scared stiff to move to Manhattan and both her and Marc had to force me into the middle seat so I wouldn't jump out and run back to preppy, safe Connecticut. When we arrived at our new apartment, it was filthy--covered in cat hair and fleas and smelling of cat wee wee. After we moved the boxes in and got back into the U-Haul my ankles were covered with flea bites. I started crying. I ranted and raved about hating NYC and not wanting to live there. "The apartment was terrible, etc. etc. etc." At this pivotal pity-party moment as we sat in the truck on 90th street, Jen launched her stern reproach letting me know I was acting like a baby and I needed to grow up and face reality. Can you just hear Jen? I had never had anyone yell at me like that other than my mom and sisters! Marc will always be indebted to you for that day! And I too remember that knowing only a true friend can do that! Thanks, babe. Well, that was just the beginning of two great years in NYC with Jen and more in Boston. I love Jen on so many levels, for the many things we have in common to the things I wish I could do to be more like her.
Jen, I am sending you this "Keep Calm and Carry On" necklace. When I saw this I had to get it for the sentiment and for you and some of the other gals' England connection. However, you cannot keep it! You wear it to help you and for your kids to see you wearing it! But in a few months time you need to send it to one of the gals who may need it. It will be our 'sisterhood of the traveling necklace!' You are the first recipient since you, well..., are old. :)
I love you Jen, have a wonderful birthday. I wish I could be there! I put my vote in too for Jen for President--that would be an easy decision!
Love, Cammy
Favorite recent Jen quote: "I tell my boys they need to marry smart, sturdy women!"