"It is difficult to be religious, impossible to be merry, at every moment of life, but festivals (and 40th birthdays!) are as sunlit peaks, testifying above dark valleys to the eternal radiance." Clement A. Miles
I see your milestone birthday as a kind of festival to be celebrated, Jen. A Jubilee, if you will. And it testifies to the eternal radiance of your life.
You are such a wonderfully unique combination of sweetness and brightness. My montage of Jen memories include scenes in many places from Salt Lake to Boston, but all of them involve you shining in some way. Your kindness, graciousness, and general brilliance stood out every time.
Since I won't be there to celebrate this grand festival with you in person, I want to make use of technology to join with Stevie Wonder in singing Happy Birthday to you.
May this song become the anthem of your 40th birthday. And may you feel the warmth of the eternal radiance you've helped so many of us feel--and the love and celebration in our song.
Turn up your speakers, please, and click on the link below. (Or paste the url in your browser if necessary.) Get ready to dance. Picture Stevie and I getting up to sing. (A picture is provided to help you.)

You know it doesn't make much sense
There ought to be a law against
Anyone who takes offense
At a day in your celebration
Cause we all know in our minds
That there ought to be a time
That we can set aside
To show just how much we love you
And I'm sure you would agree
It couldn't fit more perfectly
Than to have a huge party on the day you came to be
Happy Birthday to You, Jennifer!!!
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered with much love by Dan Mortensen & Stevie Wonder
P.S. When Stevie sings at the inauguration in January, know that he sang here for you first.