My sister Jennifer is constantly introducing me to things. This blog dedicated to her is no exception (this is my first contribution to any blog). Words like “bling bling” and “peeps” I heard for the first time from her (and she was patient enough after laughing to offer a definition). Without her, I wouldn't know what it would be like to be "seriously so blessed." But on a more serious note, Jen has tutored me and shaped my intellect and testimony with concepts and ideas I never would have considered on my own.
But there is one introduction she provided that changed my life. As a freshman at BYU, Jennifer set me up on a blind date with a tall freshman named Jonathan Toronto that she had become acquainted with in her role as a Y group leader. We dated our freshman year, and then he served a mission in Toronto, Canada.
When Jonathan returned from his mission, Jennifer offered sage advice at a pivotal moment in my life. Having saved up a mission nest egg in my savings account, I struggled with the next step I should take. On June 13, 1992 (as recorded in my journal), I called my sister at her apartment in Provo and said through the tears, “I need your help.” Jen asked if I wanted her to take me home to SLC but I just wanted to talk. She took me on a long drive up the Provo canyon and through Heber and Midway. We talked about our family, our lives, and what we wanted in our future marriage.
During this and subsequent conversations, I confided in her about my confusion about whether to put my mission papers in or pursue my relationship with Jonathan. I wanted to do God’s will but I wanted Him to tell me what His will was. I worried that if I made the second best choice, that God may conclude I was not ready for the right choice and just support me in the alternate plan. I will never forget the amazing counsel she provided. The God she knew was not mean-spirited and vindictive. He loves us and wants the very best for us. I must make a decision and start acting upon that decision. If it isn’t the right choice, He will direct me through the Spirit until I arrive at the right choice.
I was engaged a month later. Jonathan and I have seven children and will enjoy our sixteenth wedding anniversary next month. Our daughter Camille Midgley Toronto bears her middle name in part because of my special sister—Jennifer Midgley Walker Thomas.