I wish I still had my BYU library card so I could post it and show the world that we are secretly twins. (Remember being in some kind of pinch to check out books at the library and having to use my card, convincing the guy at checkout that it was really you in the picture?) OK, so even though we don't exactly pass for identical twins, I would consider it an honor to at least have you as a sister. And in every way except for biology, I feel we are.
Jen, you are an amazing person. And I'm not just saying that because it's your birthday, although I'm glad to have something motivating me to sit down and say some things that I'm absolutely sure I've never said to you before. One of the things I like about you is that you are one of those incredibly bright, perceptive people who can always come up with something witty and clever to say, but at the same time is not condescending or snobby. Instead of making those around you—like me at least—feel intimidated by your knowledge (and how do you know so much about everything, anyway?!), you instead make us feel like we're clever and smart, too (at least by virtue of being your friend)! You always keep conversations interesting and fun. You've got style, grace, and taste, and—even more importantly—you have substance. You have great wisdom about life and the gospel. Not only do I know you'd be the perfect person to turn to as my "phone a friend" if I were ever on Millionaire, but I also know if I ever phoned you with a problem or during a time of frustration you'd be able to offer sage advice, and probably make me laugh, too. (In fact, that said, maybe I'll put you on my phone list and actually do it!) I wish we saw more of each other and were able to have that kind of contact. I'm sure my life would be richer because of it.
I got married too darn early and didn't get to have as much time to live with "the gals" as some of the others, but I am so grateful for the time I did have, and I know it would not have been the same without you. I'm pretty sure it's your fault, for instance, that I watched so much of Anne of Green Gables during finals week in the blue house, gushing over Gilbert instead of poring over textbooks! I mean, I'm all over escapism, but since I'm more of the stressing Twinkies variety (I think that was Sally's expression?!) that one would not have occurred to me in a million years.
Well, I'm sure you've heard this one before, but here's a little quote for you by Abraham Lincoln: "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." From what I know of you, and as is even more clearly evident from reading what others have written about you in this blog, you are definitely LIVING your life, and blessing those that come into it along the way. I hope this year is a wonderful one! Love, Heidi
(By the way, for others who may view the photos I'm including and wonder, I used to HATE feet, so Jen and Jen posed for the feet-on-the-face photo and sent it to me on my mission—a definite highlight of my mission mail!)