Steve and I met Jen and Mike when they first arrived in the Boston area. We both were so drawn to their goodness and bright minds and loving hearts. No one is as fun to talk to and learn from as they are! We quickly adopted them as our own children.
We remember their little apartment near Watertown Square. We loved going there to enjoy Jen's unbelievable pasta dinners. Jen was always trying to do 100 things at a time and we always felt like she should be sitting down in our kitchen watching us prepare the meal with her feet up. That little apartment was homey and welcoming and was always a joy to visit.
We asked Jen and Mike to be our counselors in the Stake YM and YW's organizations. Even when Jen had worked all day and was exhausted, she was always eager and willing to drive out to Costco to get needed supplies for the stake youth when we were making dinners for them for their weekly From Cumorah's Hill rehearsals. We had so much fun feeding those kids each week after their singing. We quickly learned that Jen and Mike could always be counted on for whatever the need was.
Then Jen got pregnant with Walter and then Will. Those were happy times watching her mother those bright and lively little boys. Little did she know that there were going to be more challenging times ahead! When Henry and Owen were born life for Jen was something to behold! Jen always handled the exhaustion and confusion so well, but as her friends, we knew how difficult life had become.
Through all the sons born, church callings, helping friends and family, BYU Alumni events, and involvement with the boys' schools, Jen has taught us all how to be gracious, loving, interesting, and interested in everything around her. What an unbelievable example and role model she has been to these two adopted parents of hers. We love you Jen and are so proud of the woman you have always been and somehow you are even getting better as you age. We only wish we weren't a continent and an ocean away from you and your little family. Happy 40th birthday. May you have 40 or 50 more just as happy!
Steve and Margaret Wheelwright