Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nouns & Adjectives: Things You Love About Jen

Share the nouns and adjectives that best describe Jen Walker Thomas.....


Lil One said...

generous, articulate, genuine, witty, lovely

Mindy said...

Every day I hope I am raising my girls to be suitable brides for Thomas boys. I believe they are told daily to find smart and sturdy girls, like their mom. And might I add that I think Jen is Amazing. I'm grateful that I met and got to know "Twin Jen", if I had met "pre-twin" Jen I think my "eyes would have gone blind by her awesomeness"-Jack Black "Kung Fu Panda". I just can't imagine her being better than she is now!

Megan said...

Jen, The Storyteller.
I feel like I need my Jen Thomas fix every few months, just so I get updated about the latest and greatest and best stories of her life. Jen does has a fairly exciting life, but her ability to weave these life stories into a gripping narrative is really remarkable. Amongst my favorites are: the embracing and later rejection of Martha Stewart, the bees chasing your boys through Utah, Walker and the "boobies" at the MFA, The many various stories of keeping the twins "alive til they are five", whether it be trips down the stairs riding vacuum cleaners, unscrewing the caps to the radiators, exploding cans of Coke in the kitchen, and others. This talent not only makes you a really interesting person to be around, but makes you an exceptional teacher. I loved your Sunday School and Relief Society lessons with a passion.
You are so intelligent and have command of such an impressive vocabulary, that you are the only person that I've EVER found myself feeling tongue-tied or stuttering around!
You are entertaining! You are wonderful! Can't wait to catch up with you and hear the latest stories.
Happy Birthday